Hello Dearest People,
After taking the day off yesterday (sorry baby I didn't feel like writing), here I am back again.... blogging the blog, if there is such a thing!
We had the day off here in Panama September 1st, because of the installment of a new government, so as you can imagine .... streets, clubs, casinos, discos, bars, etc were jammed packed with people. I don't know if in your country is the same, but here, if a day off or weekend is just next to a payday, you will always find all places full. So I went out to a party of one of my best friends brother's girlfriend, got that?? I usually go to that Disco-Bar all the time, and it's usually full, but that day it was just over the limit. I was just uncomfortable. Been 6'8" you got to believe is not hard for me to see or breathe in crowded places, but even if I could see and breed I was uncomfortable, it was too full. Don't get me wrong I had a good time, but it could have been better if I even had a space to walk.
The other thing I noticed, we Panamanian do drink a lot, we may not have money to pay the debts, but if you need $$ to buy a bottle of something (bearing is not alcohol 100% proof), when you pass the hat around, it will be back with more than enough money. I could just see the bottles coming and going, don't really know where the money was coming from...... but that's the story all the time the party is hot. On the down side I also saw some wasted people around the place..... not a pretty sight.... but that was that....... when I reached home there was nothing better and sweeter than my bed.
So I waked and turned on the TV and watched (after brushing my teethes and washing my face of course). Yesterday was a new beginning, another 5 years of government in my sweet Panama, all day, on all news stations, never ending stories, profiles and information about the new president, his cabinet (can be viewed somewhat like the secretaries: defense, health, etc) and the people who approve or veto each law (which can be viewed somewhat like the senate). I mean so much info, that if I didn't know one of those guys middle names and that he broke a finger nail playing marbles, I certainly do it now. Or at least would, if I had given it enough attention.
A lot of people are resting their faith in the new government for things to improve and get better, and I hope, really hope, that he can make things better. The issue is that things are in such a mess, left by the government leaving power, that very hard and harsh measures need to be used to get things back in place. And I know how Panamanian react to new hard measures which they don't find appealing.
But well that is politics and not my favorite subject. So I will leave it until there, no more politics blog in a while. So what can I say that is new funny and cool to write about. Let me think for a while.
Ok.... after 5 minutes I got to this. As none of you know (but you will know) the Lakers are my favorite NBA basketball team. Hate me or love me that is the true, and hate him or love him..... Kobe is Free. I mean, that girl went all the way on a lie just to damage the image of a person making millions. Is the only way something like this could happen so late in the case. I guess money means everything, cause she was looking for some.
For know I am signing off... Don't know if I will be back later, certainly I would be back tomorrow.....
So people, don't miss me too much ok!!